Greetings to the clean spirit of Master of the Great Honest Honorable Sheikh Al-Rais Abu Ali Sina Clean nature , Master of Traditional Medicine And ancient medicine of Iran. And hello to learners of the way and techniques of this holy medicine Who tried to keep this way .
Medicinal Plants
Golshang Shampoo” fancytext_color=”#ffffff” ticker_background=”#574099″ strings_font_family=”font_family:Open Sans|font_call:Open+Sans|variant:300″ strings_font_style=”font-style:italic;” ex_class=”short” strings_font_size=”desktop:20px;” prefix_suffix_font_size=”desktop:17px;” prefsuf_font_style=”font-style:italic;”]
Herbal shampoo Golshang
Life is amazing with beauty
Forget the hair loss forever (for the first time)
With the use of herbal shampoo, you will have a perfectly clean skin and hair . Although the herbal shampoo has a little foam , But tangible cleanliness Hair and skin is a characteristic of herbal shampoo. Acidic and alkalic regulation of the skin and Speed up blood circulation , As well as the function of plant saponins in the extracts , Except cleansing , it stimulates the hair follicle and regulates the fat in the skin
.Other Herbal shampoo quite obvious atributies is Conversion of testosterone to estrogen in the head This is a very interesting feature for those who have inherited hair loss , That’s The effect of the combination of valuable extracts of plants containing natural estrogens Which has been proven to be accurate in laboratory conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is an important consideration for consumers who use a chemical shampoo Which is a long time consuming chemicals Genetic changes and uncommon illnesses that are uncertain as doctors say. Diseases caused by dangerous preservatives and additive such as Sodium benzoate – Potassium sulfate and carcinogen parabens Which is used as a prevention of shampoo erosion A drop of it alone is deadly Can easily penetrate Dip the skin into the bloodstream And in the long run it will bring these complications to the body
Herbal powder shampoo “Golshang” is a combination of the best herbal ingredients and herbs extracts. Which, according to its specialty formula, has been obtained after laboratory testing to obtain the desired product Extract of herbs such as yarrow and peppermint, raw coffee and etc.
We not only claim the effects of this product even in a short time saw the change in the color of the hair from white to the main constituent color (Black, brown or …) . Of course, this is true for those aged between 25 and 50 years old.
With the use of herbal shampoo, you will have a perfectly clean skin and hair . Although the herbal shampoo has a little foam , But tangible cleanliness Hair and skin is a characteristic of herbal shampoo. Acidic and alkalic regulation of the skin and Speed up blood circulation , As well as the function of plant saponins in the extracts , Except cleansing , it stimulates the hair follicle and regulates the fat in the skin . Other Herbal shampoo quite obvious atributies is Conversion of testosterone to estrogen in the head This is a very interesting feature for those who have inherited hair loss , That’s The effect of the combination of valuable extracts of plants containing natural estrogens Which has been proven to be accurate in laboratory conditions.
Make a pack of the product(The size of a spoon) in half a glass of water than mix it until Get a uniform mixture Slippery fluid , Then put the door on , to extract of the plants is released and ready for use. Then apply the shampoo in the bath after wetting the hair to the hair And slowly bring it to all points and Try to massage the hair with gplshang herbal shampoo.After 5 to 20 minutes, you can enjoy the effect of shampoo . In addition During the use of shampoo The scalp will get mild itching This is a completely natural thing It stimulates the blood flow to the skinAfter rinsing and washing the hair with lukewarm water, this itching goes away The important thing is for people who have severe hair loss and skin diseases They have a lot of fat Can prepare Herbal shampoo before entering the bathroom While they have not yet wetted the hair Use shampoo As long as the severity of the itching of the skin can still be tolerated Avoid washing it .This method consumes the maximum power of Herbal shampoo for scalp treatment.
Another way is for people who want to turn their hair color (white) more quickly into the original color of the hair .This method is similar to the previous one But after the end of the bath , In a situation where The scalp is red and warm yet use the shampoo and Wait 10 to 15 minutes Then rinse your hair .This shampoo can be used as a daily shampoo for eyebrows and skin.This great shampoo can protect your face against infected climates.
Of course, it can not be used on the body, as it causes itching in the neck area and becomes unbearable.
The method of use for women according to the method of using men with a different amount of boiling water and shampoo powder. And also for women, it will bring soft, tall hair.
Attention :
It is very effective for children over six years of age And in adolescence and youth and middle ages, they will enjoy a very tall and colorful hair. And their hair will be late white .